Why Localized Creative in Social Advertising is Essential to Driving Local Action
You’ve heard the adage about good marketing: It targets the right audience with the right message at the right time. A lofty goal? Maybe. But doable? Definitely — especially if you use localized creative in your social advertising to hack the game. Localized creative is the perfect tool to drive local action, because it allows […]
Reward Your Dealers (and Your Brand) with Collaborative Advertising
Collaborative social advertising rewards dealers for their loyalty to your brand by empowering them with a high-performance medium to stay top of mind and increase credibility in their community, all while helping them retain known customers and drive preference for your brand and products. Help Your Dealers Keep Your Brand and Products Top of Mind [&hellip
3 Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of your Collaborative Advertising Creative
Collaborative creative permits brands to speak to communities by localizing messaging and media through local points of sale. These points of sale might be an independently operated SMB, a chain store, sales agent, or even a vending machine. No matter the front, collaborative creative is all about making the local merchant the hero of the […]
The Secret Weapon Brands Need to Fight Against Facebook’s Rising Cost of Advertising
Facebook CPMs are rising once again, and it’s no surprise that as parts of the world begin to approach a more real sense of normalcy, brands are returning to the platform after many months of holding or reducing spend. While there has always been some seasonality to Facebook CPMs, both COVID’s upheaval and the social […]
How Collaborative Advertising Delivers Exponential Success for Brands & Their Channel Partners
With everybody and their mother using social media these days to advertise, it’s necessary for brands to create effective marketing messages that reach and resonate with their consumer base. Enter collaborative social advertising. Through a symbiotic process, brands empower their channel-partners with resources and templatized branding materials while cha
Academic Study: Collaborative Content Increases Sales Activity
On social media, brands sit at the center of an interconnected network of brand intermediaries, partners, and consumers. The research outlined in this blog reveals that brand awareness, content quality, and consumer interactivity are the primary drivers (or mediators) of latent sales activity within brand networks. Brands that are proactive in establishing conn
Can Every Ad Speak to Me? Chasing the Holy Grail of Collaborative Social Advertising
The Math The World Trade Organization says the world GDP is $80 trillion. The organization also says that 75% of worldwide sales flows through indirect channels. How many reasons does your brand have to capitalize on indirect channel sales with collaborative advertising? 60 Trillion Reasons Yet, many brands still rely on antiquated and ineffective methods
Empowering Real Estate Agents with Collaborative Social Advertising
Recently, Dawn Perry, Senior Vice President of Cross Brand Marketing at Realogy, a Fortune 500 real estate services provider appeared on Property Radar’s The Data Driven Real Estate Podcast. Among other forward-thinking approaches, Perry discussed Social Ad Engine, a purpose-built collaborative social advertising solution developed by Tiger Pistol that enable
To Automate or To Empower? Brands, Partners, and Co-Marketing Solutions
To automate or empower? That is the question facing brands that rely on channel partners to drive sales. As co-marketing tools for social advertising have developed, brands that rely on retail channel partners or sales agents to sell their products are faced with a unique dilemma. They can empower these intermediaries with the tools to […]
How Shoppable Ads Address the Modern Shopper’s Craving for Convenience
The Mystery of the Modern Shopper Covid changed consumer shopping habits, thus, accelerating the adoption of omni-channel behaviors. As consumers transition to the new normal, marketers are seeing a motley mix of purchase paths. The biggest problem? No one knows which channel individual shoppers will choose: In-store, BOPIS, Delivery, D2C. Yet, we do know