If They Post a Lot, Why Do My Franchisees Need Paid Social Advertising Too?
With an astonishing three billion monthly active users, Facebook is the unrivaled social media powerhouse. For franchise marketers aiming to captivate diverse age groups and conquer multiple geographic locations, Facebook stands as an indispensable cornerstone of any formidable social media marketing strategy. Nevertheless, an intriguing question lingers among many franchise brand marketers: Why should they offer Facebook advertising to their franchisees when they already provide branded materials for organic posting?
Certainly, franchisees may dutifully create posts on Facebook, but have you ever wondered if those posts are truly reaching their target audience? Are they generating the engagement and conversions necessary to propel their businesses forward? The disparities between organic posting and paid Facebook advertising are nothing short of profound.
Ready to learn how you can empower your franchisees with on-brand, on-demand social advertising? Check out The Definitive Guide to Paid Social Management for Franchise Marketers to learn more. Fill out the form in the sidebar to access the guide.
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