Navigating the Surge of In-House Agencies: The Service Offering That Marketing Agencies Can Employ to Drive Incremental Client Growth and New Business

A Comprehensive Playbook by Tiger Pistol Reveals the Untapped Potential of Local Social Advertising for Agencies

As the marketing landscape sees a significant shift towards in-house agencies, a new guide by Tiger Pistol, the most advanced collaborative advertising platform, aims to help external agencies navigate this challenge, demonstrating how to leverage a local social advertising offering to unlock new revenue streams, expand their client base, and drive new business.

Access the Playbook: The Ultimate Local Social Advertising Playbook for Agencies

“The Ultimate Local Social Advertising Playbook for Agencies: A Guide to Building a Local Social Ads Offering That’s Profitable for Agencies and Their Clients,” offers agencies key insights and transformative strategies to turn the rise of in-house agencies into unprecedented opportunities.

Key Takeaways from the Playbook:
  • The in-house agency takeover: A recent ANA survey highlighted an impressive 82% of brands now possess an in-house agency, signaling the power and influence they hold in the current marketing world.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Despite the rise, 92% of brands still collaborate with external agencies, presenting a vast opportunity for partnership and growth.
  • The local social advertising goldmine: As brands ramp up their investments in social advertising, there’s a missed opportunity in the area of locally executed Facebook and Instagram advertising.
  • The power of AdTech: For agencies looking to tap into this potential, investing in AdTech can be a game-changer, streamlining the cumbersome process of creating, publishing, and monitoring social ads for numerous local business partners.

The playbook serves as a comprehensive manual for agencies seeking to harness the untapped potential of partnering with brands for local activation at scale. It emphasizes the agency-side benefits and delivers a sales talk-track of client-side benefits. These include driving local advocacy, building local business partner loyalty, and increasing revenue through targeted strategies.

“Our playbook is designed to empower agencies with the tools, insights, and strategies they need to navigate the rise of in-house agencies and continue to deliver unparalleled value to their clients.” said Sarah Cucchiara, VP of Business Development at Tiger Pistol. “By employing AdTech, agencies drive operational efficiency through automation enabling them to exponentially expand their services without increasing headcount.”

Moreover, the guide is laden with strategies for success, offering agencies a roadmap to diversify their portfolios, entice new clientele, and remain at the forefront of industry innovations. Don’t miss out on this game-changing resource that promises to redefine the way agencies approach social advertising.

Discover how Tiger Pistol can power your local advertising success.



Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.