Shrimp and Social Advertising: The Unlikely Connection

“What’s with the shrimp?” A fair question. I mean, what could shrimp possibly have to do with collaborative social advertising at global scale? Metaphorically speaking – absolutely everything.

The Tiger Pistol shrimp, just 5 cm full-grown, possesses a powerful advantage. By snapping its one extra large claw, it creates an underwater shockwave, complete with a sonic boom and ripple effect so strong it emits light and reaches a temperature comparable to the face of the sun, stunning the Tiger Pistol’s prey for easy capture.

The Tiger Pistol shrimp may be small (and a little quirky!), but it has unmatched power and impact within its specialized ecosystem. Similarly, Tiger Pistol’s power is both stunning and unmatched (and a little quirky) in our ecosystem, helping to simplify social advertising performance for large or complex advertisers. Much like the loud noise from that tiny crustacean, Tiger Pistol has always helped those with smaller (or fractured) budgets make disproportionality loud sounds in the marketplace. We know it’s hard to navigate social advertising at scale, Tiger Pistol makes it as easy as a simple snap of a claw.

Discover how Tiger Pistol can power your local advertising success.


Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.