Level Up Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Omnichannel Collaborative Advertising

Level Up Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Omnichannel Collaborative Advertising 

It’s no secret that marketers have been playing their game on hard mode since COVID appeared on the scene.  Just a few months ago, it appeared we may get a reprieve as the world started to feel a little more normal after the spring vaccination rush. That is, until the Delta Variant reared its menacing head. With renewed fear come projections that consumers will once again choose safety over in-store consumption. Furthermore, as we return to an uncertain future, it’s vital for businesses and brands to understand and respond to their customers’ needs now more than ever. That means a marketer’s best weapon against coronavirus fallout is an omnichannel collaborative advertising approach. 

Build a Strategy That Reflects New Shopping Habits

As a marketer, you need to understand how shoppers purchase by geography and by partner. Omnichannel collaborative advertising lets you test and define the best mix to match your shoppers’ preference, expanding the marketing strategy beyond the end cap and allowing shoppers to respond in their preferred method, even if that means curbside pickup or a concierge delivery service. 

Local omnichannel campaigns allow your brand to focus on specific initiatives or needs, such as new product launches or identifying local store restrictions. Your brand can leverage what matters at a much more granular level. Targeted communication in micro-markets activates both increased and consistent engagement. By connecting to individual, single locations, ads are more relevant to the community, and these campaigns are rewarded with higher conversions and Facebook’s relevance discount. What’s more, omnichannel collaborative advertising has an even better chance for social ads to receive more visibility, customer engagement, and leads. 

Recent statistics show that over 80% of shoppers favor shopping on digital platforms and over 67% of shoppers have already purchased items through Facebook. Linnworks reported 82% of customers enjoy the convenience of social shopping and 71% of customers would rather complete transactions on social applications rather than through the actual retail site. 

Using an omnichannel collaborative advertising approach permits brands to reach consumers at all unique activation points to influence them to spend more and shop more frequently. Facebook and Instagram social ads are imperative for activating passive shoppers, as they enable brands to introduce their products to customers before they even walk in the store. 

Omnichannel Accelerates Conversions (and Loyalty!)

Product discovery on social media platforms not only engages the consumer on their path to purchase journey, but it can be an asset to brands as a way to convert consumers quicker. Omnichannel ads energize existing retail marketing campaigns with digital advertising, so brands can launch and optimize store level campaigns with multiple conversion paths, in-store, curbside, delivery, and D2C. The ability to drive physical store visits as well as direct additions to eCommerce carts is critically important to satisfy omnichannel shoppers.

A survey of 100 North American CPG retailers on division of marketing spend found that 36% of respondents intend to shift their budgets to in-store marketing, 31% moving to e-commerce, and 25% placing focus on brand awareness. Progressive Grocer notes, “The divided delegation of marketing spend is important to note as it reflects the adoption of omnichannel marketing and brands strategy to offer multiple shopping journeys.”

An omnichannel collaborative advertising strategy drives larger purchases, repeated purchases, and long-term customer loyalty. Moreover, long-term customer retention is directly linked to repeated online store visits. According to Symphony RetailAI, “If an online customer returns to the channel seven times in the first three months, they are three times more likely to become a long-term engaged customer. While only one-third of customers are considered long-term engaged, they represent more than half of all online sales, making them four times more valuable.”

Omnichannel Collaborative Advertising Personalizes the Brand and Empowers the Local Partner

Brands must integrate strategies that visibly and clearly support the communities where they are sold. Helping local businesses by collaborating on advertising not only carries the benefits of advertising, it also shows shoppers that your brand cares about the health of the community. In this sense, joint advertising shrinks the largest of brands to feel personal to the shopper’s neighborhood.

This mutual collaboration allows your brand to resonate locally in every market. Localized copy drives community relevance and builds customer loyalty and sales within complex partner networks. Level up your channel strategy with an omnichannel collaborative approach by delivering local activation at scale.

Choose the omnichannel strategy that’s right for you. Tiger Pistol offers several models of engagement. Check out our Who Uses Tiger Pistol page to learn more.


Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.