How AB InBev Boosted Orders and Partner Loyalty with Localized Digital Campaigns

Client: AB InBev

Industry: Beverage

Challenge: AB InBev sought to bridge the gap between national and on-premise advertising, as well as build and nurture partner loyalty.

Solution: By utilizing Tiger Pistol’s platform, AB InBev was able to create and publish digital marketing campaigns through their decentralized network of local partners.

"To ultimately drive local actions of consumers, we needed a technology like Tiger Pistol to deploy not only local ads but ads that were based from the local establishments’ own Facebook accounts. Achieving that goal but also doing it at a truly global scale would not be possible if we were just working with Facebook alone."
Daniel Ingram
Global Director, Customer Experience
0 K+

Participating Locations

0 K+

Campaigns Published with Tiger Pistol

0 %

Increase in Orders

400 %

Decrease in Advertising Cost


Return on Ad Spend

Ready to elevate your local advertising strategy?


Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.