Key Capabilities

Intrducing Simplicity, Scale, & Performance

Brand Control

Gain brand control, compliance, and visibility across your partner networks’ local paid advertising presence.

Headphones Ad on Laptop
Looking at Credit Card

Flexible Funding

Control who pays and how much. Tiger Pistol provides options for brands when funding media.

Recurring Campaigns

Drive recurring revenue with recurring campaigns. With advertising subscription automation, resellers can create and launch multiple, auto-generated, ongoing campaigns simultaneously.

Approvals Workflow

Offer your local partners an easy approval flow to ensure partner-created campaigns or changes are on-brand and authorized to launch.

Multi-Location Campaign Editor

Streamline multi-location franchise advertising with a platform that launches ads 10x faster than accessing individual Facebook Ad Managers, simplifying operations and boosting efficiency.

Performance Dashboard

Advanced Insights and Reporting

Unlock performance insights and surface actionable data. Tiger Pistol’s interactive dashboards enable you and your partners to understand what has been achieved and how best to optimize future campaigns.

Streamline workflows, automate ad operations, and ensure seamless integration with a powerful API built for high-volume campaign execution.


Bring Your Own Data

Bring your data to life through API integrations, bulk upload tools, and manually through a simple user-interface.

Listings Integration

Integrate your local listings partner with Tiger Pistol to super-charge your advertising.

Pizza Ad on Mobile

Performance Testing & Optimization

Use data to drive results. Optimize your campaigns using data driven strategies to achieve maximum results. Discover the assets and strategies that resonate with users and drive performance.

Local Facebook Page and Account Connections

Tiger Pistol removes the complexity of onboarding your partners at scale. Connect local social pages and ad accounts easily using a number of fast, simple tools.

Phone Flow and Laptop
Online and Mobile Support

Multilingual & Currency Support

Language and payment options for global partners.

Discover how Tiger Pistol can power your local advertising success. Start a conversation today to discuss a tailored strategy that fits your needs.


Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.