Asahi Increases Sales by 700% with Retailer-Driven Social Campaigns

Client: Asahi

Industry: Beverage

Challenge: Asahi sought to drive awareness for its products and convert shoppers at scale by diverting trade spend to social advertising.

Solution: Tiger Pistol enabled Asahi to connect individual retailers’ Facebook Business Pages, from which they could run hyper-local campaigns.

"The Tiger Pistol Platform allows us to add real value to our on-premise customers through highly targeted and effective Facebook and Instagram advertising. Delivering a competitive edge, the platform drives foot traffic to their venues, creates greater awareness of their offering, and ultimately increases revenue and the efficacy of our promotional campaigns."
John Kelly
National On Premise Group Business Manager
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Increase in YOY sales

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Local Retailers using Tiger Pistol 

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Tiger Pistol is a collaborative advertising platform that enables our clients to deploy optimized and scalable campaigns within minutes. By simplifying high-performance collaborative advertising for our clients and their partners, we help you achieve your most ambitious goals in customer acquisition and sales growth.